I decided some time ago that I would love to have a small statue of Cthulhu to display. I saw how much it cost to purchase a small statue of Cthulhu and thought well bugger that. I'll make me own!
Years passed.
Recently, as I stated in my previous post, I began to feel reasonably proud of my crafty skills and decided that the time had come to create the sculpture that the world had been waiting for I wanted.
One large-ish lump of air-drying clay met my fumbling attempts and several hours and quite a few compromises later I had before me an appropriately damp statue of a sanity-destroying elder god. I decided during the make process that this particular statue would have been created by a tribe of folk from long ago who made a crude and naive approximation of the image of the multi-dimensional being of intense evil. This means that the rough appearance is a design decision, and not a reflection of my inadequacy as an artist.
Even so, I'm pretty happy with old tentacle face, and I think that once he's dried, filed down a bit, sanded, painted and varnished, he might actually look OK.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn - Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn - Cthulhu R'lyeh fhtagn!"
He reminds me of Gus... Maybe it is the tentacle beard! ;)